Beautiful Anatomy

In our last post we began talking about one of the races that inhabited the disc world of Paradis, known as the Florents. Here’s the article if you want to read it-Edit Post โ€œIntroduction to the beautiful Florentsโ€ โ€น โ€” WordPress. I’m going to talk more about the anatomy of this race. Although it will take many posts due to all the world building, I plan on doing.


All Florents have a brightly colored face plate directly above the eyes called a crown. Composed of densely packed layers of chitin, the crown is one of the hardest parts of a Florent’s body. The color, size and even shape of the crown varies among individuals but it’s usually one color. Multicolored crowns are possible of course, as are patterned crowns as well. This structure helps to protect the brain from damage, as well as absorb and disperse impact energy from hits. Although if it is damaged, it can of course completely heal due to the races prodigious healing factor.

The above image is by no means a comprehensive example of all possible crown colors and shapes. Rather it is just a small selection, shoiwng the diversity. Note not only the colors but the vibrancy of the colors. On Earth, the only animals that come close to this kind of saturation are birds of paradise, dart frogs and some insects. Bright colors could be a warning sign to predators, or they could help the Florents blend into the jungles.


Like Earth insects, Florent bodies are covered by a powerful exoskeleton made of the same kind of chitin as the crown. This exoskeleton is made up of hundreds of individual plates, giving the body great flexibility without sacrificing strength. However, unlike Earth insects, Florents also have an internal skeleton as well, that helps to support the outer exoskeleton. This internal skeleton is composed of chitin as well and is black in color.

The exoskeleton also contains another anomaly not found on Earth. The presence of cell walls, something we only find in Plants. Not all parts of the exoskeleton have cell walls, but the cell wall helps to provide strength.


Like all parts of the body, the crown is bioluminescent. This bioluminescence takes the form of thousands of small dots like lights. The size, color and pattern vary greatly among individuals. The color of the light is usually similar to the crown color, although there is some variation. This pattern of lights is as unique as a human fingerprint and can be used to differentiate individuals.

The next post will discuss the olfactory system and certain parts of their skeleton and how this affects some parts of their culture.